Learn all about cross-border trade
220 billion projected sales volume for 2022.
Cross-border trade is one of the biggest trends in e-commerce and enables brands and retailers to extend their reach without having to build up storage capacities in the target countries.
More and more companies are seizing new revenue opportunities by selling their products across national borders. The EU's Consumer Markets Scoreboard has recorded an increasing willingness among consumers to shop abroad. And the market for internationalisation in e-commerce is large.
German e-commerce has some catching up to do. Although the share of cross-border sales is rising, the proportion of German companies actively selling their products abroad is still relatively low at 51%. One possible reason is the complexity of cross-border online trade. Because even though international trade is more attractive than ever, various aspects such as consumer behaviour, language barriers, customer service, offer presentation, logistics & sales processing, as well as taxes & legal issues, among others, have to be taken into account for each country in which one wants to be active.
The Cross-Border Topic Special answers these questions in detail and presents suitable solutions that can help you get started in cross-border trade.
AUGUST-September 2022
plentyContentWeeks Cross-Border-Trade
We offer answers & solutions
In the plentyContentWeeks on the topic of cross-border trade you will find solutions and answers to all your questions about international sales. Together with our partners and other experts, the most important specialist topics are conveyed in an easily understandable way. Basic knowledge and detailed in-depth knowledge are presented, shared & discussed by industry experts - all purely digitally. We address specific challenges & problems from the individual areas, explain them and offer solutions.
Our partners
16th of August - Starting of the Content Weeks
What exactly does cross-border trade mean? What advantages and opportunities does it bring for me and my company? What do I have to pay attention to if I want to internationalise? What are the stumbling blocks? And can I manage it at all? These and other questions will be answered at the kick-off event of the Content Weeks. At the same time, we offer all participants the opportunity to pose individual questions and topics, which we will answer during the Content Weeks.
Save the date
One topic. Every week.
All topics related to the entire value chain of international trade in one format.
- Target Markets, consumer behaviour & inventory
- Sales tax & legal requirements
- Sales channels, translation & customer services
- Logistics, Shipping & Customs
Each topic week starts with a free webinar, which is supplemented by further content in the course of the week. At the end of each week there will be a roundtable discussion & Q&A session.
The full programme and dates will be added shortly.
What's the meaning of Cross-Border-Trade?
Cross-border trade is selling your products from home to abroad. From the perspective of the trader, foreign customers order from a domestic online shop. Internationalisation in e-commerce can be driven by cross-border trade or by opening a warehouse or branch abroad. Cross-border trade enables brands and retailers to expand their reach many times over without having to build up storage capacities in the target countries.
Why should I sell my products internationally?
Because it pays off. In Europe alone, the cross-border e-commerce trade volume reached 171 billion euros in 2021. Market researchers forecast a trade volume of 220 billion euros in 2022.
Many brands and retailers are successfully expanding internationally and thus increasing turnover and earnings.
What do I have to pay attention to if I want to sell my products internationally?
The start of international sales requires careful preparation. In a recent survey by ibi Research, more than a quarter of the companies have not prepared or have prepared insufficiently for international sales. This hinders international expansion or, in the worst case, causes it to fail.
Despite the harmonised internal market in the EU, many member countries have, for example, different regulations on tax law or environmental law that must be observed. In addition, high shipping costs have to be avoided and one's own shipping processing has to be optimised for international shipping.
The Cross-Border-Week is a support offer from us on all topics related to internationalisation in e-commerce. Together with plentypartners, we impart the necessary knowledge on preparation and show solutions for the biggest problems of online trade abroad.
What are plentyContentWeeks?
This series of events takes place several times a year and complements our event world with intensive knowledge transfer in the form of courses. We and plentyPartner want to advance you and your business with useful knowledge formats! In each Content Week, everything revolves intensively around one topic area across all channels. This summer we will start with the topic of cross-border trade. With workshops, webinars and guides, we will support you in successful trading across all borders and provide you with the necessary knowledge to start your internationalisation.
Is registration or booking necessary to participate in the Content Weeks?
To ensure that you don't miss any of the plentyContentWeeks contributions or events, we recommend subscribing to our newsletter.
We will send you the programme and practical reminders of events starting soon. In addition, as a newsletter recipient you will have the opportunity to subscribe to the event calendar and directly transfer calendar entries to your personal calendar.
Participation in plentyContentWeeks does not require any further booking or registration.
What does the plentyContentWeek Cross-Border Trade programme look like?
The programme of plentyContentWeeks Cross-Border-Trade will be announced shortly. Subscribe to our newsletter to receive the programme early and stay up to date. A first overview of the topics:
- Target Markets, consumer behaviour & inventory
- Sales tax & legal requirements
- Sales channels, translation & customer services
- Logistics, Shipping & Customs